Therapeutic Massage
This massage utilizes a variety of techniques with deep pressure to to release the muscles and de-stress, stretching may be added to increase range of motion. Perfect for those suffering from chronic pain or to break up scar tissue.
Relaxing Massage
This massage utilizes relaxation techniques with medium to light pressure, to boost circulation, relieve stress, cleanse the body and promote healthy muscles in the body. Perfect for a relaxing session to unwind.
Craniosacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, non invasive treatment using subtle, light movements in multiple positions of the head, neck, back and sacrum to assist in balancing the body.
Although CST is NOT a traditional massage, it promotes relaxation, can help improve sleep, and overall well being.
Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that is utilized to aid in boosting a person’s inner healing power by transferring universal energy from the practitioner to the recipient. This energy healing can be added onto any massage session for additional healing and relaxation.
Massages are available in-office for 60, 75 or 90 minute sessions.
60 minutes - $105
75 minutes - $120
90 minutes $145
House calls are also available by request, additional travel fee may be incurred.
Sara is honored by your trust as she facilitates your physical and spiritual transformation. In humble reverence, she shares:
“I am an educated healing conduit in service, applying ancient healing arts. This activates your mind, body, spirit to grow and heal at your optimum level. With the proper direction and tools, we heal ourselves.”